Open your eyes

"Why are you looking for the living among the dead?"
Luke 24:5

You fucked up.
You lied, cheated, said unkind things, were jealous, lustful, angry, greedy.....the list goes on. 
I know you did, because I did too.  We all fuck up every single day.
But you know what?  The Easter story reminds us that it doesn't matter.
That tomb is empty.  Your past is gone.  

So often people remind us of all the ways we could have been better, looked better, lived better.  We've been feed the stories for so long that we either drown in guilt or suffocate ourselves with the gnarled hands of regret.
It's easy to lose faith (in life) if we continue to sleep with the past. 

Buddha tells us "do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."

Wake up and open your eyes!
To the crimson sun that peeks through mountaintops.
To sisters that steal covers from each other at night.
To the boy who caresses her cheek as she sleeps.
To puppies and pigtails.
To jellybeans and peeps. 
To dancing in the rain.
To hope and promise. 

In awakening, we are risen indeed.



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