Empowering our teachers
“Import illuminates the way to happiness”
Mihaly CsikszentmihalyiNo.
Are we happy that we get to touch the future?
We are happy that we are getting away from it all very soon.
Teaching school is laborious. Through state testing and
unreal expectations, our “flow” state has been seized. Creativity is no longer celebrated and we are
daunted by the futility of keeping up with demands. We are frustrated by the treadmill of rising
expectations and feel out of control. We
are micromanaged, discouraged and drained.
Don’t we owe this kind of empowerment to our teachers? Shouldn’t we make our external conditions
match our goals? Don’t teachers deserve
to enjoy what they do and derive pleasure from coloring outside the lines?
Teachers deserve a good coach
who motivates and uplifts them. They
deserve a strong sense of self, a passionate boss with a love for life and
learning. Teachers deserve more than
time off to regain their power. They
deserve appreciation and the feeling of accomplishment that comes
with changing one’s life.
I implore you to start
celebrating the gifts that teachers share- because I promise that they are smart
enough to search for their bliss in another profession.
That's why kindergarten terrifies me. I really don't understand why testing became so important and why we don't use mastery learning models in more schools. your students are lucky to have you, keep inspiring them. you inspire me to find my happy place.