Lean in a Little and Let Gravity Carry You

"If you want to get faster on the down hills, let go of your death grip, uncurl your toes and relax."
Paul Howard

With 2577 feet of elevation gain, St. George 70.3 was the hardest bike I've ever done.
From the first slow, hard grind out of Sand Lake Reservoir I realized: "Toto- you are not in Texas anymore."  What I didn't know at that time was that the mental challenge would be far more difficult than the physical challenge.

You see, I struggle like a beast!  Hard, hilly, rocky....bring it!  I will put my head down and power through.  I'm "Ram Tough" baby, and on the uphill- this flatlander would pass people. 
A lot of people actually.
But...you already know where this is going don't you?  Of course they would Ferrari by me on the downhill, leaving me in their dust like a 1971 Ford Pinto. 

Downhill has contradictory meanings. 
On one hand, it could describe that the hard part is over, and that things are smooth sailing from here on out.  On the other hand however, it could mean that things have gotten a lot worse over time- like "Its been all downhill since Trump has been elected president." 

During my race I found myself dreading the downhill.  They were scary and made me anxious. The lingering thought in the back of my mind was always that there was a serious possibility that I could crash.
I find myself doing this in life as well.  I have had a pretty tough climb over the past couple of years, but the hard part is over.  If I would let myself I really could chill, let go of fear, and enjoy the ride. 
It's time to lean in a little and let gravity carry me. By putting on the brakes- people are passing me by. 


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