How I manifested the life of my dreams

Within all of us is a divine capacity to manifest and attract all that we need and desire."
Dr. Wayne Dyer

When I first saw The Secret, or heard people talk about the "Law of Attraction" I thought it was total bullshit.  Sure- my relationships suck, I have no money in the bank, and I'm constantly exhausted; but if I just have POSITIVE beliefs, my wildest dreams will come true!  Right.

At first, I ignored the possibility of this fool’s paradise- but then my best friend since second grade shared her experience, and I began seeing and reading more articles, and I hired a life coach.....and with my personal rule being that when I hear or see something 3 times "it must be a sign"- I finally acted. 
I was in a rut in both my relationships and my job, so those are the areas I concentrated on.  Fast forward 2 years and things are pretty damn awesome.  Here's how I made it happen:

1. I figured out what I REALLY wanted. 
We spend so much time bitching about the things that are going wrong, we don't even know what would make us happy. I was so far gone that I asked for help from friends and hired a life coach.  Laying it out there is tough, and you have to be brave enough to believe you deserve it, but this is the first step toward positive change.

2.  Write it down (I love a good list)
My friend Jennifer told me she made a list of exactly what she wanted in a partner- even what he would look like!  (She's happily married now.)
My first list was what I wanted in a relationship, including a partner that lived close by (that’s asking a lot, I know) and when it was clear that I would not get those listed things, I decided to move on.  They say that when one door closes another door opens so I went on to make the  "perfect guy list" and later the "what I want my job to look like" list.  
Oh, and I also noted that I no longer wanted to be stressed about money.   

3.  Send it to the universe
I understand that this seems corny as hell, but literally you just imagine with all of your heart what it would feel like to have these amazing things in your life, and you put it out there to the universe or your higher power that this is what you want. Then you let it simmer and the magic begins happen.  

4.  Take Action
Ah ha- here's the catch.  I didn't say that you just sit back and watch it happen.  You have to start taking ACTION.  For me that meant one thing at a time, and it meant talking to people and getting help.  It meant distancing myself from some people.  It meant taking a risk on a new and different job.  It meant trusting that those who love me had my best interests in mind.  It meant being brave- over and over and over, and celebrating each win along the way.   

Joy Page said that "to manifest your hearts desires, you must be your hearts desires."  
I have become my heart’s desire.  No, it’s not always sunshine and roses, but I made it happen!  
I manifested a life of love and peace, a life where I am truly happy.  
Perhaps it’s time to believe in a little magic yourself.  


  1. Love when I stumble onto a blog I haven't read in awhile (it's me, not you!) and it hits home. :)


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