I don't own you.
“If you love somebody- set them free.”
Sting“I don’t own you Jennifer.”
Coming out of a 17 year marriage, I have been owned and owning for a long time. ..for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health……till death do us part. The truth is I no longer want to own, but the concept is a bit foreign to me. I’ve been “owned” since I was a child by my parents, men, teachers, bosses….. even training schedules! And being in control means that you own too.
I love the freeing quote of Anais Nin: “You can’t save someone, you can only love
Choosing ease means that we no longer try to own or save
people. We love them. We respect them. We give and trust and have faith
that the relationship is just as it should be in this moment. We don’t worry about the future. We live for today. We LOVE for today. If you love someone, set them free. If they come back.....then how lucky are you? :)
Nice. Thank you.