
Showing posts from 2016

Almost 10 lbs happier

Because you're already there

On Recovery

Stop wishing. Start DOING

When You're Happy and You Know It.....

'Cause Life is Short but Sweet for Certain.......

You had the power all along......

On Gratitude

What is your genius?

The Magical Powers of Running Shoes

On true friends, injury and breakups


He loves me.....he loves me not.

When your body gives you the finger.

Forget all the reasons why it won't work, and believe in the one reason why it will.......

Think Less, Feel More

Think Less, Feel More

For God's sake- it's just running!

Try the meditation. It's delicious.

Zen and the art of day to day life

The Fly on my Shoulder

Enough is enough

Keep searching

"I'm pretty tired. I think I'll go home now." Forrest Gump

Dear Life.....I want to be happy just like I am tonight

What I know (and now accept) about myself

Today I feel ugly

Listen! Your soul is trying to speak.

The Law of Attraction- JK style

Don't look back- you're not going that way!

What I learned during my two week detox (ok......10 day detox)

There is a downhill for every uphill

Dear Leadville

I DNF'd (and the world didn't end)